It is through the efforts of our collective community that everything we do at Seattle JazzED is made possible.

Your donation means free instruments in the hands of budding musicians, as well as the sliding-scale tuition and private music lessons that level the playing field. You are expanding opportunity to kids in the community we all share.

If you ever have questions or you would like to tour the programs your gift supports, please call us at 206.324.JAZZ (5299) or email me at I'd love to hear from you.

In the meantime, please check your email inbox for an email confirming your fully tax-deductible donation..

With heartfelt appreciation,

Laurie de Koch
Executive Director

P.S. I hope you have a few minutes to watch the video below. Your donation makes this magic happen today and into the future.

P.P.S. Like us on Facebook and Instagram to get the latest news and behind-the-scenes stories.